Terms and Conditions
herefordshire remapping Terms and Conditions
Payments and Pricing
The herefordshire remapping product / device and any related items will only be despatched following receipt of payment.
Current prices are displayed on the herefordshire remapping / herefordshire remapping website.
Deal / discount / sales codes can only be claimed where a valid code is used and entered correctly at the time of purchase.
Special sale prices will often be time limited. Sale prices are only available as detailed on the website.
1.5 Purchases must be made online, via the herefordshire remapping website, or through an authorised Dealer.
1.6 If pre-ordering a herefordshire remapping software, payment will be taken at the time the pre-order is placed. Estimated availability dates will be provided online, or via discussion with a herefordshire remapping representative.
1.7 Additional Add Ons (files) can be purchased via the herefordshire remapping / herefordshire remapping website. Pricing information is available on the website.
Key Considerations Before Purchasing
2.1 Customers should contact herefordshire remapping prior to purchase should they have any questions about the herefordshire remapping software. The relevant telephone number and email address is provided on the website.
2.2 Customers should contact herefordshire remapping prior to purchase should they have any questions about Add Ons they are considering purchasing. The relevant telephone number and email address can be found on the website.
2.3 The remapping services provided via the Authorised herefordshire remapping DEALERS are provided on the assumption that the vehicle to be remapped / tuned / modified is mechanically sound, well maintained, in good condition, and free from any underlying mechanical and / or ECU issues. Any underlying mechanical or ECU issues could be exacerbated by remapping a vehicle. Customers should not attempt to remap a vehicle where there are suspected issues with the vehicle or ECU, or where the customer does not have adequate information about the history of a vehicle. Enquiries about the suitability of a particular vehicle for remapping should be made prior to purchase of the herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE and / or Add Ons.
2.4 The herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE may not be suitable for a vehicle if the vehicle has previously been remapped by a third party. We recommend contacting herefordshire remapping for further advice.
2.8 Customers should make any enquiries about the suitability / compatibility of the herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE in relation to a particular vehicle before purchasing the herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE. herefordshire remapping can be contacted by telephone or email during their advertised UK opening hours. Contact details are available on the herefordshire remapping / herefordshire remapping website.
2.11 A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and relevant answers is provided on the herefordshire remapping / herefordshire remapping website. It is recommended that customers read this information before purchasing a herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE .
2.13 Estimated power gains provided in relation to a particular vehicle variant are estimates based on what has been achieved previously. Some vehicles may achieve slightly more, and some vehicles may achieve less. There are a number of factors that can impact on vehicle performance. herefordshire remapping will strive to achieve the best outcome possible for all customers and all vehicles. However, gains achieved can differ from vehicle to vehicle.
2.14 On very rare occasions ECUs can fail during the process of reading or writing any software (even manufacturers software) to the ECU, or at any other time. This is a small but real risk when remapping or applying software to an ECU using any method. In agreeing to these Terms and Conditions the customer confirms that they understand and accept this risk when using the herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE. herefordshire remapping is not responsible for any ECU failure that occurs during or after the use of a herefordshire remapping AUTHORISED DEALER.
2.15 Photographs, video and audio recordings of herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE use provided by customers may be used and posted online at the discretion of herefordshire remapping (for promotional purposes). However, the posting of material on the website or social media platforms does not form part of the core product paid for by the customer and should not be expected by a customer when purchasing or using a herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE
3.3 The customer should telephone or email herefordshire remapping at the earliest opportunity if a suspected fault is discovered with a herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE or other related hardware items. Contact details are available on the website. Refunds can only be issued where the vehicle concerned has been returned to stock via an authorised herefordshire remapping dealer.
3.4 Software faults are exceptionally rare, and software does not change over time. Therefore, any issues caused directly by software will be noticeable very quickly after remapped / modified software is applied. Customers should contact herefordshire remapping by telephone or email as soon as possible and within 7 days if they suspect a software fault. The suspected fault can then be investigated. Refunds will not be issued for suspected software faults if a customer has not raised the software issue within 30 days of an Add On or remapped file being downloaded by a customer. Where herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE files have been applied to a vehicle, the vehicle must be returned to stock (standard) before a refund for software can be issued.
3.6 Refunds will not be issued for herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE software files, devices, or equipment where vehicle performance or running capability is compromised because:
The herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE and / or related equipment / accessories have been used incorrectly
The vehicle concerned has existing or underlying mechanical issues that were not addressed prior to the vehicle being remapped / an Add On being applied
The vehicle concerned did not have the necessary and correct hardware modifications in place for the tuning option chosen by the customer
Supporting hardware modifications made by the customer, or a third party, have not been completed to a sufficient standard, or have been made using faulty or poor-quality vehicle parts
The vehicle’s ECU has an existing issue or existing damage
The vehicle’s ECU has been opened previously by the customer or a third party
The vehicle has sustained other damage caused by the customer or a third party
Additional advice (relating to a particular vehicle or Add On / file) provided by herefordshire remapping has not been acted upon by the customer / vehicle owner
Poor quality fuels are being used to fuel the vehicle concerned
The vehicle concerned has not been well maintained and / or kept in good condition
Pre-remap performance outputs are below the manufacturer (or stock) standard
A vehicle ECU has failed during the file writing process
Written reports from, and details of, an adequately experienced and VAT registered vehicle garage or tuning workshop are unavailable on request, where a third party opinion is being submitted by the customer.
3.7 Estimated power gains provided in relation to a particular vehicle variant are estimates based on what has been achieved previously. Customers purchase the Add On or remapped file, rather than the achievement of a specific power (BHP or NM of Torque) figure. Refunds will not be issued solely because a vehicle has not achieved a specific BHP or NM of Torque figure.
3.8 Data logs may be requested from the customer when investigating issues reported by customers. herefordshire remapping reserve the right to suspend investigation into a customer issue or complaint if the log data is not supplied by the customer.
3.9 Where a customer is submitting a third-party opinion relating to the use of a herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE file, herefordshire remapping reserves the right to request a written report and details of the organisation / company providing the report, as well as contact details of the author for verification purposes. Third party opinions can only be considered from sufficiently experienced / qualified and VAT registered vehicle garages, specialists, and tuning workshops.
3.10 Where workshop diagnostic appointments are suggested or requested, customers will be referred to a herefordshire remapping Dealer. herefordshire remapping no longer offers customer facing workshop appointments. The use of herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE is performed remotely vai the authorised dealers.
3.11 Where the customer has commissioned a third party to complete additional work to rectify a suspected software fault with a herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE file product, no payments will be made by herefordshire remapping to cover the work performed by a third party.
3.12 Where refunds for Add Ons or files are due, a refund will not be issued where the vehicle has not been returned to stock (standard) first by an authorised herefordshire remapping DEALER.
3.13 Where refunds are due and issued, it may take up to ten full working days for the refund to be processed and reach the customer’s account. This is largely due to third party secure payment system provider timescales. Refunds will be issued to the payment card used to make the original purchase payment.
Vehicle Status, Mechanical / ECU Issues and Faults
3.3 The customer should telephone or email herefordshire remapping at the earliest opportunity if a suspected fault is discovered with a herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE or other related hardware items. Contact details are available on the website. Refunds can only be issued where the vehicle concerned has been returned to stock via an authorised herefordshire remapping dealer.
herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE is used by the customer at their own risk. herefordshire remapping is not responsible for any damage to a vehicle, or faults following the use of the herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE.
4.3 When tuning / remapping / modifying a vehicle, the customer is likely to be asking more of the vehicle to achieve increased performance. Customers should be aware that any underlying mechanical issues could become more apparent or be exacerbated once a vehicle is tuned / remapped. These issues may not have been noticeable previously.
4.4 Customers and vehicle owners are responsible for ensuring that their vehicle is in good condition, well maintained and mechanically sound before and after any tuning / remapping / modification work.
4.6 When reading or writing to the ECU using a herefordshire remapping , the voltage supply to the ECU must be above 12 Volts. The use of a battery charger is recommended too, particularly if unsure about the ability of a battery to consistently meet the required voltage. If the supply dips lower than 12 Volts, there may be resulting issues with the ECU. herefordshire remapping reserves the right to request the herefordshire remapping log data to investigate ECU issues or failure reported by a customer.
4.7 herefordshire remapping is not liable for any issues with a vehicle or ECU where the customer has failed to put in place the necessary supporting hardware modifications for the remapping option they have chosen. The customer is responsible for ensuring they have the correct, high quality modifications in place prior to using a remapping option that requires supporting modifications.
4.8 herefordshire remapping is not responsible for any issues where a vehicle ECU has been opened or tampered with previously by a third party. The customer is ultimately responsible for their ECU (and any resulting issues) if they use the herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE, or any other tuning / remapping tool, on an ECU has already been opened, tampered with, or damaged previously.
4.9 If a vehicle has significant Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF), Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), or Petrol Particulate Filter (PPF) / Gasoline Particulate Filter (GPF) related issues, these issues must be resolved before remapping the vehicle. Customer’s should be aware of this.
4.10 The customer is responsible for checking their vehicle tyres before using herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE. Customers must ensure that their vehicle tyres are in good condition and (as a minimum) road legal prior to remapping their vehicle. This primarily for safety reasons.
4.11 The use of good quality fuel is very important for a tuned / remapped vehicle. If poor quality fuel is used, maximum power gains are unlikely to be achieved. Customers should be aware of this before using the herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE. If further information is required regarding fuel, customers can approach herefordshire remapping for further advice.
4.12 Any information provided related to the herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE is based on the assumption that vehicles being remapped are in good condition, well maintained and free from any mechanical / ECU issues. The customer should be aware that a basic diagnostics scan / diagnostics session may not identify every potential problem with a vehicle. Customers wishing to procure more in-depth diagnostic or health check services have the option of contacting herefordshire remapping for advice prior to purchasing a herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE.
4.13 An ECU performance remap designed to increase performance will not resolve existing mechanical issues with a vehicle (in isolation). Customers should be aware of this before remapping a vehicle or using the herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE.
4.14 Gains in fuel economy are only likely to be achieved where a vehicle is in good condition, well maintained and free from any mechanical and ECU issues. Gains in fuel economy will also only be achieved when driving the vehicle conservatively.
4.15 Customers that want confirmation / documentation of their vehicle’s power figures (at stock and / or after tuning) should contact herefordshire remapping prior to purchase. herefordshire remapping may be able to offer a Dyno Session via a herefordshire remapping Dealer, depending on location.
4.16 Although very rare, ECUs can fail when any software is written to them, or at any other time. Customer’s should be aware of this very small, but real risk. herefordshire remapping is not responsible for any incidents of ECU failure.
4.17 Where there is evidence of previous water damage to an ECU, the customer is advised not to use the herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE.
4.18 herefordshire remapping is not liable for any issues with a vehicle or its components where advice provided by herefordshire remapping has not been followed by a customer. We recommend that advisory points (where provided) are followed up as soon as possible.
4.19 Should a customer discover a suspected fault with a herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE, related equipment, or software, the customer should contact herefordshire remapping as soon as possible. Please note that software faults and issues with the map / directly caused by the remap are very rare. Where they do occur and are genuinely caused by a remap, a customer will notice very soon after the remap has been completed (when driving the vehicle).
4.20 herefordshire remapping is not responsible for investigating or correcting suspected vehicle faults where the customer, or a third party, has worked on / interfered with the vehicle, its components, ECU, or the herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE provided since the vehicle has been remapped.
4.21 herefordshire remapping is not responsible for correcting suspected vehicle faults caused by any of the situations listed in section 2.3 of these Terms and Conditions.
Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Services
5.1 The DPF Delete software solutions offered by herefordshire remapping are intended for vehicles that have a the physical DPF filter removed and are not driven on public roads. For example, race vehicles, track day cars and vehicles driven on private land. It is legal to remove and delete a DPF. However, driving a vehicle on public roads with the DPF removed is illegal. herefordshire remapping is not responsible for checking vehicle use / purpose.
5.2 Any DPF Removal and Delete services provided are done so at the independent request of the customer. The customer is fully responsible for their decision to have the DPF removed and deleted on their vehicle(s) and / or install any relevant DPF software solutions.
5.3 herefordshire remapping does not encourage the use of the DPF Removal and Delete service for vehicles used on public roads. Any customers choosing to remove and delete a DPF on a vehicle for use on public roads, do so at their own risk.
5.4 Customers must ensure that the physical DPF filter has been removed fully and properly before selecting and using a DPF Delete software solution. herefordshire remapping is not responsible for any vehicle issues associated to customers selecting the incorrect software options for their vehicle’s set up. Where further advice is needed, customers can contact herefordshire remapping in advance of purchasing herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE.
Decat Services
6.1 Decat software solutions offered by herefordshire remapping are intended for vehicles that are not driven on public roads. For example, race vehicles, track day cars and vehicles driven on private land. It is legal to provide decat services. However, driving a vehicle on public roads with a decat performed is illegal. Having a decat will mean that the vehicle concerned will not pass a standard MOT. herefordshire remapping is not responsible for checking vehicle use / purpose.
6.2 Decat services and / or related software solutions are provided at the independent request of the customer. The customer is fully responsible for their decision.
Petrol Particulate Filter (PPF) Removal and Delete Services
7.1 Petrol Particulate Filter (PPF) / Gasoline Particulate Filter (GPF) Removal and Delete and / or software solution services, offered by herefordshire remapping are intended for vehicles that are not driven on public roads. For example, race vehicles, track day cars and vehicles driven on private land. herefordshire remapping is not responsible for checking vehicle use / purpose.
7.2 Petrol Particulate Filter (PPF) / Gasoline Particulate Filter (GPF) Removal and Delete services and / or related software solutions are provided at the independent request of the customer. The customer is fully responsible for their decision.
‘Pop and Bang’ Options
8.1 ‘Pop and Bang’ has become an increasingly popular option in terms of remapping. Customers should be aware that ‘Pop and Bang’ is not possible with all vehicle variants. For further advice customers can contact herefordshire remapping prior to purchase.
8.2 A full decat is required before a ‘Pop and Bang’ remap is completed. This is necessary in order for ‘Pop and Bang’ to be safe for the vehicle and prevent damage to the vehicle. Customers should only apply a ‘Pop and Bang’ remap if the vehicle concerned already has a decat. A Lambda Delete software solution is also likely to be needed. Decat services are intended for vehicles that are not driven on public roads. herefordshire remapping is not responsible for checking vehicle use / purpose.
Supporting Hardware Modifications and Performance Parts
9.1 Some herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE options will require minimum hardware modifications to be in place prior to remapping, or the application of the Add On (file). The customer is responsible for ensuring that their vehicle has the correct modifications in place, that all work has been completed to a high standard, and that all parts used are good quality.
9.2 herefordshire remapping is not responsible for compromised vehicle performance or running capability due to insufficient or poor-quality supporting hardware modifications completed by the customer or a third party.
9.3 Some vehicle modifications, and the software solutions available for them, are intended for vehicles that are not driven on public roads. herefordshire remapping is not responsible for checking vehicle use. Customers are responsible for their own choices regarding vehicle modification and for checking that any chosen modifications are legal and appropriate for the vehicle and the uses of the vehicle.
9.4 Any estimated performance / power gain estimates provided are usually based on the use of tried and tested performance parts previously used by herefordshire remapping and sourced through trusted suppliers. Where alternative parts are used by the customer, we may not be able to provide power gain estimates.
9.5 Power gain estimates are based on an average of what has been achieved previously. However, a range of factors can affect the BHP and NM of Torque figures and increases achieved. Post remap performance can vary from vehicle to vehicle. At Stage 2 and beyond the variances can be greater, as the modified set up of the vehicle, and the need for impeccable maintenance of the vehicle, become even more important.
9.6 When modifying a vehicle, you are likely to be asking more of it in terms of performance. Customers should be aware that any underlying mechanical issues could become more apparent or be exacerbated once a vehicle is tuned. These may not have been noticed before. herefordshire remapping is not responsible for underlying mechanical issues with a vehicle.
9.7 If choosing to opt for a Stage 2 (or beyond) Remap, customers should expect increased maintenance of the vehicle going forward.
Conduct Towards the herefordshire remapping Team
11.1 The use of aggressive, threatening or abusive language and / or behaviour towards herefordshire remapping team members will not be tolerated. This includes in person / face -to-face, over the telephone, in writing and online. herefordshire remapping reserves the right to remove a person(s) from a premises and / or refuse to supply any further services should the person(s) concerned behave in an aggressive, threatening or abusive manner. Serious incidents will be reported to the Police. herefordshire remapping reserves the right to pursue legal action where appropriate or necessary.
Customer and Public Safety
12.1 Customers are asked to take extra care when driving after a vehicle has been remapped or modified. It may take a driver some time to adjust to driving the vehicle. Caution is advised for the safety of the customer and the general public.
12.2 Customers must ensure that their vehicle tyres are in good condition and (as a minimum) road legal prior to remapping their vehicle.
12.3 Customers are responsible for ensuring that they can control and safely drive any modified vehicle. herefordshire remapping is not responsible for the driving style or behaviours of herefordshire remapping SOFTWARE customers.
Use of Customer Data
13.1 We have a separate policy on the use of data available on our website. Customers should refer to this policy as appropriate.
13.2 Photographs, video and audio recordings of herefordshire remapping use and customer reviews (provided by customers or recorded by herefordshire remapping ) may be used and posted online at the discretion of herefordshire remapping for promotional purposes. Material may be posted online via a variety of platforms, unless a customer explicitly informs herefordshire remapping that they do not want their photographs or recordings to be used in this way.